World network of We-Eco Communities


Homepage   Who are "We"   Rural Micro-Regions   Transition Villages   Communities   Opportunities    Partners   World Pilot Alentejo   Existing Communities  Contacts    


What are the opportunities:

How can you join and become a co-creator of the We-Eco network?

We would like to ask people to express what they would like to see developed in their
wn surroundings, neighborhood, vicinity, street, land, and houses.

This will be worked out in crowd research programs, and this data will be stored

in accessible and replicable files.

The files will be used to work out opportunities and possibilities. The results of this

worldwide research will be translated into the creation of new ways of living and a new

circular socio-economy.

Participants are needed in various fields and disciplines to set up and work out this research.

* First of all, researchers and people to join a think-tank.

* People that are willing to work on various files on all levels.

* People who can coach and set out the lines for a Community,

  Transition Village and support the existing Villages.

* People to overview and manage the Rural Micro Regions.

* Coaches who can guide people through this process.

* People who want to create a business in the Region.

* People who want to invest.

* Stakeholders.

* Shareholders.

And students who want to make a thesis on Rural Socio Economy activities.

 All these items can be found on our platform www.societalsystem.com/srmg/

Adèle Martin, living in Tavira,
Algarve, Portugal
Email: contact@we-eco.net
GSM: +351 967 823 312
