
World network of We-Eco Communities

This thinking model is free to join, to analyse, develop, project and work-out all aspects, together.
To create communities worldwide with a circular economy based on ecological values, respect for nature, and convivial human revival.


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Welcome to our site, which is dedicated to organizing an exodus to the Portuguese countryside!
If you're here, it's because you share our dream of a more straightforward, healthier, and more fulfilling way of life in harmony with nature.
Imagine...You wake up every morning to the sound of birds, walk through the fields to pick fresh vegetables, and meet people who share your values ​​and aspirations.
you create a new economy that is steered bottom up.
This is precisely what we offer you: an exodus to the Portuguese countryside to form a network of autonomous and interdependent micro-regions linked by a unique symbiosis between people and their environment.
Our project is ambitious but feasible: 200.000 people leave cities to settle in the Alentejo region
. The practical details of the project can be found under World Pilot Alentejo.

Transiting from an individual to a communal way of life

An analysis of communital living and working shows that it has many advantages over individualistic living and working.
The advantages of communital living and working are that revenues, responsibilities, housing, consumption and goods are shared. This is economical and reduces waste.

In comparisan, individualistic living and working are about self-gain (money). This leads to Individual responsibility, individual housing and consumption without limits, which leads to overconsumption, which produces more waste and high expenses.
Shifting to a communal way of life is preferable to achieving a low eco-footprint.

All good things in live are for free!

-       The sun

-       The air

-       The earth

-       The resources

 -       Water

-       Nature

-       Affection

-       Convivial relationships

We can make use of them for free!

Unfortunately, due to economic abuse, we have to pay for these natural things! In future, we can’t afford them.They will not be available for free anymore.
We must overthink what is important to us and our priorities. We have to make choices, not only economically but also for the survival of the planet. Our needs can be devided in two catogories: the ones that are necessary and the ones we don't necessarily need. In this last category, we can make choices.

Primary live needs, where we necessarily invest (money and energy) in:

-       Individual housing, renting or buying

-       Water, gas, electricity

-       Homemade (organic) food

-       Fulfilling, meaningful work

-       Hygiene

-       Medical costs, medicines

-       Education

-       Insurances

-       Selfmade or secondhand clothing 

Necessary furniture, appliances

Secondary live needs, not vital needs, we pay a lot of money for:

-       Transportation

-       Cars, petrol

-       Holidays, flying, hotels, camping-cars, camping

-       Festivals

-       Lifestyle, presents

-       Clothing, fashion, and couture, children’s cloth and toys

-       Ordering by Internet

-       Luxury goods, make-up, plastic surgery

-       Eating meat, and dairy

-       Ordering food, restaurants, fast food

-       Alcohol, cigarettes, plum, drugs, soft drinks, candy, ice cream

-       Internet, television, radio, telephone, smartphone

-       Pets

The footprint will be high in an individual luxury house measuring up from 135m2
and occupied by two persons. The only way to lower the footprint is by sharing the home,
the costs and the car usage with more families! With six persons, it is possible to have a
responsible footprint, in the given situation and go to One Planet! Do your footprint test.

Adèle Martin, living in Tavira,
Algarve, Portugal
Email: contact@we-eco.net
GSM: +351 967 823 312